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David Beckham: Shocked by the comments on racism of Joseph Blatter

While John Terry, captain of the Blues fickle husband of Chelsea and English national team is accused by the English Federation (FA) and pursued by the police for racial insults towards an opponent, that Patrice Evra was the victim the same facts, it is now Joseph Blatter, head of omnipotent global soccer dropped a small bomb on CNN World Sport.

The boss of the International Federation (FIFA) has indeed dropped "there was no racism" in football, "but perhaps a word or gesture moved. And the victim is expected to say that n is a game and shake hands "of his opponent. Remarks that have immediately reacted many personalities as British Prime Minister David Cameron found the remarks "appalling" while his sports minister to call for the resignation of Sepp Blatter.
David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

David Beckham racism comment Sepp Blatter resign november 2011

Players are also moved by this statement more than surprising. Besides Rio Ferdinand, brother of Anton Ferdinand, the target of racist abuse from John Terry who attacked the head of the Fifa via its Twitter ("Your comments about racism are so condescending that it is almost laughable. If fans sing racist songs but in the end they shake hands, okay? "or" FIFA has cleared Blatter's remarks in a press with a photo where he is seen posing with a black ... I ' I need the symbol of hands covering eyes !!!"), is the former captain of the England David Beckham who responded at a press conference in Los Angeles before the grand final of the MLS competes this Friday, Nov. 18 in Carson at the gates of Los Angeles.

"I think, as others have said, that these comments are appalling, I do not think these statements are very good for our sport. I have no power to say who should go or stay Fifa and I do not want to have it. But there is racism in football. It's there and we can not ignore it or adjust it with a handshake. It's not how we must address the issue of racism, "he said, send him the rumors soon in Paris.

Before the outcry over his remarks, Joseph Blatter has attempted to qualify the latter which he said had been "misinterpreted". The Switzerland of 75 years had subsequently issued a statement attempting to justify his clumsy words: "What I wanted to emphasize is that the football players to do battle and sometimes things are done incorrectly. But normally at the end of the game, you have your excuses to your opponent if it was tough during the match. You shake hands and all over. Anyone who has played a football game or any sport knows that it is. " Before adding, with a bit of lucidity, however: "That said, I want to stress again that I do not want to underestimate the problem of racism in society and sport. I pledge to fight the wound and the hunt for football. "

After the speech, expected now acts ...
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