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Blackberry Bold 9900 - The Blackberry winner has returned

Arrived 2 weeks ago in writing, the Blackberry Bold 9900 stays in my pocket and I must say I am delighted to recall the feeling lost after the death of my Blackberry Bold 9000.

Without going into technical details that you already know all the wedding touch screen and full-size keyboard for me is just great. At the exit of the Bold 9000, Curve I dropped one and I immediately made my mark on this keyboard generous to the point that after a few days of use, I was almost able to type without looking at the mail keyboard once. But Bold 9000 equipped with the ball for travel suffered from old age, especially the ball and I had to face the fact of change, for a Bold 9700, equipped with touch pad, but of course, as big a Curve, so with just a keyboard shortcut. (Ah big fingers ...)

So the keyboard, for those who have a Blackberry in hand, still has this kind of key that prevents your finger from slipping on the next key. On the Bold 9900, always in comparison to 9000 or 9700, re-up key was slightly increased, giving a comfort to date.

The screen has become touch, history to compete with the Blackberry Torch, which in its new version has totally lost the physical keyboard. If like me you also had a Torch (for which I confess not to have had a great affection), then the screen does not seem foreign, they are the same. Now was there a need for a touch screen on the Bold 9900 at the risk of depleting the battery faster (I'll point discussed below)?

Quite honestly, I would have taken a Bold 9900 without the touch screen because when you know quickly navigate with the touch pad, one realizes that one little button on the screen. But the shape and size of the Bold 9900 are such that they become easier to access the screen with your thumb without his hand does not move an inch, then, for some features, some applications, we tend to quickly to the touch screen.

The battery life, the criterion for excellence in Blackberry, which has always entertained at this level. I admit that the presence of the touch screen I was quite worried but I was wrong ... well almost.
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Blackberry Bold 9900

Obviously, the Bold's screen, and an OS 7 which change practices, encourage users to use many features including web browser that was not a specialty in Blackberry. All this makes the battery tends to "dump" more quickly than with older models but I think Blackberry has made efforts at this level and, unless a hard on any video game and surf endlessly, Blackberry Bold will fill all the features you ask for 2 days or so, to take away the problems of this research network as is the case in a lot of places in France.

The Bold 9900 is thinner than its predecessors, it's pretty good, but as you see in the picture above, Blackberry gave a bevel on the back of the Bold, of rubber, so that will not slip, but bluntly missed the opening of the mobile for the insertion of the battery, SIM and micro SD. The cover is made of plastic, very inconvenient to open and which one is afraid to handle so it seems fragile. Ok, I opened 3 or 4 times, I have not broken, a woman holding her nails would not do it well, but hey, it is unfortunate that RIM is not a neat little over the back.

The Bold 9900 has a 5 MP camera which gives better pictures and videos that we have known in the past even if it is not up to some manufacturers obviously. The photo above was taken with the Bold, and testing videos I've made me quite happy knowing that I was not trying to make a movie either.

Finally, the Blackberry Bold 9900 is in my opinion, and it binds so that I, the smartphone ideal for those who deal with dozens (or hundreds) of emails per day and want to have in your pocket a mobile that can offer them a modern environment even if missing some very useful applications in the Store for RIM.

Anyway, I am the happy owner of a Bold, and how I spend my days with 2 mobile in the pocket (one professional and one personal) it will become my mobile professional, replacing the Bold 9700, The staff, even if I had, until now, very hard to separate myself from my iPhone 4, I confess I'm having a hard time choosing between three devices that are the latest Galaxy S 2, the Galaxy Rating Lumia and Nokia 800 that I really like (I should get it Monday, so I'll tell you more).

If you have had the opportunity to test or to buy the Bold 9900, please tell me what you think but I think if you are fans of the Blackberry, this little gem is or is to satisfy you fully.
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