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Open Question: TinyOs mica2 mote to mote problem?

Hello, I've been having problems with the mica2 motes communicating among themselves. I am using TinyOs with linux. I am using the mib510 interface board and I install the Lesson 3 BlinkToRadio application but cannot get them to work. I do the following In the BlinkToRadio dir. I add the frequency to the MakeFile: " CFLAGS = -DCC1K_DEFAULT_FREQ=CC1K_914_077_MHZ " then execute make mica2 make mica2 install,0 mib510,/dev/ttyS0 //To one mote device make mica2 reinstall,1 mib510,/dev/ttyS0 //To the other mote The motes do not do anything, no lights blink what so ever. Whats my problem.?
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