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Open Question: Alienwear M11x Labtop Help?

OK so im going to college and i am looking for a labtop that is good for gaming and can be used in school. So im wondering if the m11x is right for me. its small. Easy to take on the go. it can come with microsoft office student edition on it.. I went to alienwear's web page and i customized my own m11x, and with all the accessories and upgrades its going to end up costing me close to $1300. Over if i get the mouse.... it says it has great battery life and that's what i want... The options i filled in for the customization are 4gb Ramm 7i Possessor and 320Gb Hard Drive those are the main ones...So is it worth it... and if not what labtop should i get that will full fill my needs PLUS if can any one give me information about the payment plans for the Alienwear Computers...anything i should know????? Please Tell me IS THIS A GOOD IDEA?????? WHAT EVER U GUYS SAY WILL INFLUENCE MY DECISION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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