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Open Question: Weird virus effecting virus scan and internet, help?

This virus is a bit strange, so stick with me. I can't do a full scan on Spyware Doctor, it will continue to start up but won't actually start scanning when I tried to run a full scan. I restarted my computer and managed to get it working once, it found a cookie, I removed the cookie, and immediately, I couldn't load any web pages online even though internet was working just fine. I thought it was the action of removing something using the virus scan that caused the internet problem, but I ran a quick scan, it found nothing, and I couldn't load web pages again. Afterward, any scanning using Spyware Doctor gets me absolutely no where, and I have to keep restarting my computer so it would quick trying to "start scan". I think the problem came from iffy sites I've visited, or the copy of photoshop I recently installed from my friend through a burned dvd. My computer's an asus, new, with windows 7 home premium. Please help with I.Ding virus and removal, thanks everyone!
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