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Wii U: final version for E3 2012

Nintendo's finances are not in great shape and the manufacturer must work hard to offer the next U Wii in a timely manner.

The last meeting financial Nintendo did not cause great rejoicing in the ranks. With a loss of 70.274 billion yen in the first half of fiscal year (which began in April 2011), the company also has faced a rather cold atmosphere on the side of its shareholders. Decline in the price of 3DS, sales of this portable long half-mast, Wii sales also down, Nintendo is currently a lack of resources to revive the machine.

It is therefore necessary to Nintendo to be on time for appointments for the next Wii U. A new console, new games, new enthusiasm of a new way of playing, this should allow Nintendo to raise. Also, Satoru Iwata announced that the console should be ready for the upcoming E3 2012. The launch of the console will not do before summer 2012.

To reassure investors, cautious of late and doubtful about the policy of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata said the company has drawn its lessons from the launch of the 3DS and should do better for the next Wii U.
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