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Tobacco: sugar and flavorings to "recruit and retain" young people and women

A study by 60 million consumers in partnership with the National Committee against smoking (NCTC), published in the November issue of French magazine, points to the various products used by tobacco companies to sweeten the taste of tobacco and attract new consumers. According to this test performed in the laboratory, integrated manufacturer of sugar and flavors in their products to "recruit and retain" young people and women.

The magazine 60 Million Consumers laboratory analyzed the composition of twenty-flavored products, including cigarettes, rolling tobacco, pipe tobacco and hookah, cigarillos and rolling papers.

The study analyzed the cigarettes meet quite the decree prohibiting the addition of sweeteners and capping the amount of aromas of vanilla and ethyl vanillin.

"The threshold is a threshold health and unfortunately, this decree does not prohibit cigarette manufacturers and tobacco in general continue to boast aromas of confectionery products (vanilla, apple, chocolate, cotton candy ...). If the rules are observed, these sweet flavors are so important marketing strategy for cigarretiers "explain, however, the magazine and the NCTC.

Not covered by the regulations applied to cigarettes, other tobacco products would be provided with their flavors to very high levels. "The study has highlighted some cigarillos rates of vanillin and ethyl vanillin up to ten times what is allowed for cigarettes", say the two initiators of this test.

In view of this, 60 million consumers and NCTC require the implementation of a "regulation for all tobacco products," and a "greater transparency in labeling." Last point: the extension of the ban on flavorings to outlaw "the use of any type of flavor designed to make products more attractive."
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