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Lung cancer can be diagnosed by nails

Is there for you at increased risk for lung cancer? The answer to this question can give your nails, and - the nails of the lower extremities. Such findings have Western scholars and physicians, conducted the study, which was attended by more than seven hundred adult persons of various ages and both sexes.

In the study, researchers tested the nails of the lower limbs of all voluntary participants of the study, at the level of nicotine in the nail plate, and then held a general test of their health, with emphasis on detection of lung cancer or at risk of its development.

As the results of the study, people who found nails in a high nicotine content, the risk of lung cancer was approximately 40% higher than that of people who found nails in the low nicotine content. At the same time one of those people, the nicotine content in the nails which had been high, not all were smokers.

It turned out that nicotine is accumulated in both men and women who did not touched cigarettes, but they often were in the society of smokers. Thus, the mentioned people have been victims of passive smoking, which is indeed a real danger to others.

It should be noted that smoking not only to the development of cardiovascular disease, premature aging of the skin and hair, and impotence. Smoking is also a major factor because of who develops lung cancer. The disease affects men more than women, it is due to the fact that representatives of the sterner sex smoke a lot more often.

To date, lung cancer occurs in about forty people out of every hundred thousand. If you find this disease in the first or second stages, success against them, can be achieved in every other case.

The diagnosis of lung cancer is recommended especially for smokers in middle age. Such a diagnosis is possible in Israel to go to foreign nationals, which should appeal to the medical company, whose staff arrange medical procedures and solve all related issues.
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