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Scientists will be able to beat lung cancer

Scientists from Australia will soon learn how to prevent the recurrence of lung cancer. Stop the development of aggressive forms of the deadly disease will form a special cell block.
Australian scientists have discovered in people undergoing chemotherapy, a special mechanism that causes recurrent aggressive form of lung cancer. Experts have found a way to overcome it and not let such a way to develop the disease after treatment with chemotherapy again.
Supervised the Australian Medical Professor Neil Watkins (Monashsky Institute medissledovany). A new method of treatment, explained the professor, is to completely block the so-called chemical way broadcast signal in the cells, known as Hedgehog. In healthy cells of the body it controls the process of development and recovery of vital organs. "If the drug can suppress the signal way Hedgehog, one can safely speak of a real reduction in the risk of relapse and re-enhancing the effectiveness of chemotherapy," - said Neil Watkins.
Meanwhile, a team of researchers from Queensland was able to detect two variants of genes increase the risk of melanoma. Recall that melanoma - the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Experts believe that the discovery of Australian scientists in the future will give more accurate predictions about the degree of susceptibility of people to the disease.
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