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Open Question: How much does a monthly subscription to the Internet ADSL in the United States by an average of speeds?

How much does a monthly subscription to the Internet ADSL in the United States by an average of speeds available to the public

Open Question: Before I install Adobe Photoshop CS4 - How to change the location from C:/ to my external hard drive (D:/)?

Hello, I just bought an external hard drive for my laptop (because my internal is only 30GB) so I want to put all my programs on my External hard drive... ( D:/ ) I am trying to install Adobe Photoshop CS4 - I am at the welcome screen, where it lets me choose a language and what to install. It says "Installation Location C:/Program Files/Adobe" How can I change that to my external drive? (ex. D:/Program Files/Adobe) Please help, I'm just waiting, not knowing what to do... Thanks very much.. :)

Open Question: are there any video website beside youtube?

i really need it. thanks

Open Question: how to change administrator?

Open Question: How to move photoshop from one computer to another without disk.?

I have just got my new computer and need to install photoshop but my disk is damaged. How do I move it from one hard drive to another?

Open Question: I want to buy a scanner which brand should I buy?

I want to buy a scanner which brand should I buy?

Open Question: How to convert video files?

I have a video file from a cd im trying to play but when i open it in the media center it just plays a lot of screechy audio. Its in the RPY format know. how can i convert it into a playable format?

Open Question: Is there a program you can run to chat with other laptop (school ones)?

is there like a program that we dont have to install on our school laptops to chat with other students ??? like over wifi or bluetooth or something please help :) we cant install so something you dont install.

Open Question: I have a Toshiba laptop. On the keyboard the letter @ is typed with the key " and vice versa?

I have a Toshiba laptop. On the keyboard the letter @ (normally typed with the key for typing the digit 2 uppercase) is typed with the key " which the uppercase of the key which types the comma (') and vice versa, is there anything I can do????. My Keyboard is Arabic language enabled but this happens only with these 2 keys.

Open Question: How do I set up a home network that enables me to access files on my desktop from my laptop via my home hub?

Open Question: How do I get the little grey text next to my name on Facebook?

On some profiles, I see a name and then some grey text next to it that has some other nick name or something inside parenthesis. I just wanted to know how people did that?

Open Question: "Bring scrolling windows to foreground"?

Can any one tell me what is this option used for?

Open Question: What are the steps to find a diagram of my motherboard so I can delete the passwort?

I have to jump pins 2 and 3 on the motherboard to delete the password in the BIOS!

Open Question: C++ how make the dialog-box transparent?

Hi! I would like to make my dialog-box in my console (I use wxDevC++) transparent using C++. Thanks

Open Question: I have a very bad virus on my computer?

Hey guys just 2 days a go a noticed these 2 processes that took up 60% of my "CPU Usage" under task manager! They were 2 .exe files "Lhujoa.exe and Lpw.exe" I right clicked open file location and deleted them from my temp folder then 30 minutes later I noticed my computer was starting to lag then I looked at Processes again and it was back up! So I did 4 virus scans and it just found 1 trojan which it removed but they kept still appearing. Does anybody know what anti-virus that will remove this horrible virus? Please help this has been ruining my life! Here are the anti-virus software that I used to scan. Superantispyware PRO Prevx Malwarebytes Avira Im currently scanning with avast! for the second time and it has found nothing! Thanks

Open Question: Webcam in browser not working linux help?

its been working before but now my logitech web cam will not work on video chats (, im currently using Ubuntu 9.10 - the Karmic Koala - released in October 2009 as my OS. I have tried to update both my browsers Opera and Firefox but still no luck please help, I need this up asap.

Open Question: how to get a audio clip in a powerpoint?

i need an audio clip from http:// to put in a powerpoint presentation for a school project. i need help on getting it to work in there and play automatically when we start our presentation. help please

Open Question: wich cpu is better for gaming i7 860 or i7 920?

i want to max out crysis and battlefield bad company 2 with AA and AF at 1680x1050 with HD 5850 and 4gb ram

Open Question: How can I tell if somebody has deleted me from their skype contacts?

I can still see their contact photo and the skype icon hasn't changed. They just haven't been online for a few days and they are usually there all the time. My Skype version is fairly new too. We had a bit of a falling out, so I'm not sure if I've been deleted.

Open Question: What is the "My visitors" application in MySpace?

How does it work and what info provides?

Open Question: What kind of file is a dvd?

Have this movie on my pc that i would like to convert to play on my dvd player. I'm wanting it to be th right format to fit the screen of my t.v. Also if anyone can give me a good converter program that would be helpful.

Open Question: How to tell if people add me on gmail?

So I go to my gmail and I see the thing on the side that says chat but I dont know if something just pops up when people add you or if I have to go somewhere?

Open Question: What is this facebook app called?

There's a facebook app where you can answer questions about friends and they answer questions about you. It's not called Friends Facts, its something else. Some of the questions include Would you hook-up with *name*?, Do you think *name* is attractive?, and Do you think *name* is a virgin? You can unlock the things people say about you so you can see who said them. I can't seem to find it anymore. Please help me

Open Question: Can anyone recommend a descent movie maker?

Can anyone recommend a good movie maker, but not windows Thanks

Open Question: want a loptop at low cost only for ms office and interenet purpose?

please help to get a laptop at low cost below 10000Rs only for surfing interenet and ms office i m india

Open Question: How to stop Firefox from remembering my Yahoo ID?

On the Yahoo Login page I click once on the Yahoo ID area, and a list of all the previously typed in IDs I ever used shows up. I like this feature, but I want to delete some of the IDs that firefox is remembering. I've tried Tools>Options>Advanced>OfflineStorage>ClearNow and restarted firefox but that doesn't seem to work, my IDs are still showing up on Yahoo...

Open Question: usb for phone not working????????????

ok so i got this usb mobile phine data thing so i can put my videos onto the computer.. but when i connect it on my phone and computer it isnt saying anything. what do i have to do??? plz help

Open Question: Is it posible to edit burned dvd's?

Someone gave me a burned dvd of my son. And I want to edit that movie. How can I do that? is it possible?

Open Question: how to replace a processor?

i have dual core 1.6 MHz processor installed in my computer and i borrowed a processor dual core 2.65 MHz from my friend,when i replace the installed processor by that of 2.65 MHz processor it is not please tell me something what should i do.

Open Question: Do I need to keep a partition with recovery on it, if I have operating system disc.?

Open Question: hi plz help me , its really urgent?

i m in a big problem, well i formatted my drive mistakely then i lost some of my imp pictures, so i used a recovery software, then i recovered some of my pictures, but the problem is that those pictures are not opening now, i dont know what is the problem, but i really need them back. Can anyone plz help me out....

Open Question: are 3D TVs just a fad?

back in the 80s their where plenty of 3D movies, but none for around 15 to 20 years.Now all of a sudden their are 3D movies again and TVs made specificly to show 3D movies. Is this just another here today gone tomarrow thing like it was in the 80's?

Open Question: Why is my "new tab" window a blank screen & how do I get it back to showing screenshots of most visited sites?

I really liked it when the "new tab" screen showed my 9 most viewed sites but it stopped doing that and had a screen that said "New Tab" and had info about it and now it's just a completely blank screen :( --it's a windows xp computer

Open Question: iMac Wired Keyboard Problem.?

Recently, my wired Apple iMac keyboard spacebar has not been functional. The only way it is able to work is if I hold down “Shift” then press space, is there a way to fix this?

Open Question: how to get on myspace at school?


Open Question: Help with Internet Explorer 8 - InPrivate. Please Help?

I was researching for my biology investigation and found a very useful site. I didn't realise I was in 'InPrivate' mode (internet Explorer 8 has this option). I forgot to copy the url for my bibliography, I can't find the website in my internet history. Is there a way to look through my 'InPrivate' history Please Help Me!!!

Open Question: Hi I need help with my Die roller in java please help?

Write a program that simulate a die roller. The user should type in the number of the throws. Let the program count how many ones, twos, threes... are in the series. In the end the program should write down how many ones ... that was and also figure out the percentage. I wrote a program but it doesn´t work. Please help. package inlamning; import java.text.NumberFormat; // import numberformat för att få svaret bara med en decimal import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String s; s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Ange antal kast"); int k = Integer.parseInt(s); // Omvandla k till int int summan = 0; // Ange att summan i snurran är lika med 0 int a = 0; //Ange att a - f är lika med noll och omvandlas till int int b = 0; int c = 0; int d = 0; int e = 0; int f = 0; Random diceRoller = new Random(); while (summan >= k){ int dice = diceRoller.nextInt(6) + 1; if (dice==1) a =a+1; else if (dice==2) b = b+1; else if (dice==3) c = c+1; else if (dice==4) d = d+1; else if (dice==5) e = e+1; else if (dice==6) f = f+1; summan = summan ++; } NumberFormat r = NumberFormat.getInstance(); double ettor = a/k * 100; double tvaor = b/k * 100; double treor = c/k * 100; double fyror = d/k * 100; double femmor = e/k * 100; double sexor = f/k * 100; r.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Du har kastat tärningen" + k + "gånger" + "Du har fått en etta " + a + " gånger. dvs " + ettor + "%" + "Du har fått en tvåa " + b + " gånger. dvs " + tvaor + "%" +"Du har fått en trea " + c + " gånger. dvs " + treor + "%" +"Du har fått en fyra " + d + " gånger. dvs " + fyror + "%" +"Du har fått en femma " + e + " gånger. dvs " + femmor + "%" +"Du har fått en sexa " + f + " gånger. dvs " + sexor + "%"); } }

Open Question: how and the fuck do i change the size of the words on my computer.?

its only when i get on the internet...and its not the font ive tried that...its starting to piss me the fuck off....thanks for your help.

Open Question: PLAYMESH APP gone completly wrong!!!?

HVE U EVER GOT ONE OF THE PLAYMesh apps on ur ipod/iphone? the ppl in the LOBBY R NASTY! THEY ACT LIKE ITS A dating site buut its a connect four game/checker/tick tac toe is it just me? wat do u think?

Open Question: Should I get an ipad or a Mac Book?

I'm in junior high and I really want a mac but then I thought of the iPad because it's cheaper. I want a laptop or an ipad for going on the Internet and school projects and stuff like that. Which would be better to get and why?

Open Question: How much energy does it consume charging a cellphone or a notebook?

Open Question: What is the best video/slideshow maker software?

I'm looking for something similar to Windows Movie Maker but with more features especially on controlling the effects/transition duration. Please recommend. Thank you! :)

Open Question: Why wont it let me use repousse in CS5?

I have tried to use i on a brushed layer and a typed layer but nothing is working

Open Question: Computer beeping (Not randomly)?

When I perform certain actions on Windows XP, my computer (not the speakers) beeps once. For instance: Confirming a download / instillation Deleting songs off iTunes Clicking elsewhere on the screen when asked to confirm a change to my computer Is there any way I can get rid of this sound? Thanks in advance!

Open Question: How can I flush a hard drive that some one put windows 7 on even though the computer can't handle it?

Girlfriends grandma had WIN7 Installed on her rig even after I told her it wasn't going to work on it. Now no older flavor of windows will flush it off the kernel. Quick fix help? Also in bios it won't let me run immediately from disc it freezes at the splash screen for compaq.

Open Question: Cardiff City vs Blackpool - Live Streaming Online Free English League Champion Final On PC?

Cardiff City vs Blackpool Live,watch Cardiff City vs Blackpool live,Cardiff City vs Blackpool live stream,watch live, ,watch live a stream free,Cardiff City vs Blackpool live football free,watch Cardiff City vs Blackpool live sopcast,watch Cardiff City vs Blackpool live video,watch Cardiff City vs Blackpool tonight,watch Cardiff City vs Blackpool online free, Cardiff City vs Blackpool - Live Streaming Online Free Uefa Final On PC Cardiff City vs Blackpool - Live Streaming Online Free Uefa Final On PC Cardiff City vs Blackpool - Live Streaming Online Free Uefa Final On PC

Open Question: my deskstop turned from left to right so i'm unable to fix it could you please help me to work it out ?

Open Question: Getting banned on facebook?

ok so today i was chatting to my bff and i saw this video on youtube and was going to send it to her but i was watching some adult stuff... as well and sent that link by chat instead! i was like **** arr but chat said it was removed from the convo so i dont think she saw. Will i get banned for this? im really worried i mean chat removed it from fb and said it was not allowed im woried about gettin banned from facebook

Open Question: sub for sub youtube ???

sub for sub on youtube sub me at then i will sub back in the next 2 hours if i dont unsub me just leave a comment saying thanks then i will sub straigh back as soon as i can

Open Question: Why will my new video card not work for my Dell Precision 450?

I have a dell precision 450 with two gigs of RAM, 360 watt power supply. I recently purchased and new video card with 512 mb of memmory. It is a PNY Graphics Card, Geforce 6200 AGP. When I turn on my computer the monitor reads no signal and enters power save mode.



Open Question: SIMS 3 Virus on Facebook has hacked my computer?

So I added Sims 3 application on Facebook and it's definately a virus. It tagged thirty Sims photos and randomly tagged my friends... Also, my main problem at hand is that it has either hidden or deleted all of my profile wall posts and statuses and nobody can write on my wall. If anyone knows how to fix this problem it'd be greatly appreciated.. really stressed out about it cause uni starts tomorrow!

Open Question: CPALead gateway in FBML coding?

Anyone know of a way to turn a CPALead gateway into code that can be used in FBML? I would prefer to have it free although it isn't a necessity.

Open Question: How do you change a font default in Powerpoint?

The Powerpoint default font for macs is something something fugly called Calibri. How do I change this default font (for the "Themed Heading" and "Themed Body")? Thanks!!!

Open Question: Router isnt supplying wireless connection to my Xbox and laptop USB device?

Hello there, Routers been supplying the connection fine to my xbox and laptop device for a good few weeks now without any hassle, and all of a sudden the connection got very weak and eventually stopped. I have logged on to the router gateway and setup the wizard again however im not sure how i can get the router to supply the internet again- The router is working fine and dandy im using the internet through an ethernet cable however its just the wireless thats not working even though the little symbol on the router is lit up green along with all the other nessacary ones. I have also checked my attatched devices to the router to make sure the neighbours arent hijacking my connection as i have no security on it ( I find it weakens the connection sometimes) and they are definetley not. If anyone experts or technicians could give me an idea on how to get the flow of wireless internet going to my xbox and laptop again i would be eternally greatful-Thanks in advance. Regards, Maccabe.

Open Question: How to end a task from command line in Windows 7?

I have tried ending the task from Task Manager. I have tried taskkill /PID #### /F and it reports that the task has been terminated, but it is still running. I have tried tskill #### with no

Open Question: where are files stored in my hard drive?

where are files toed in my hard drive

Open Question: How can teachers see students facebooks?

At my school, they recently banned PDA's and no one was happy about it. Someone created an event of a whole school group hug and some people from the school attended. The teachers somehow found out about it and come to every class in the school and went off their faces to the class about it. They have a list of all the names and comments that were posted. How can they do this? How do they get onto our facebooks without it being pedofile?

Open Question: can you please tell me how to put wii and ds emulators on my Ipad?

please try not to tell me where to only get ds emulators, or how much you like them, i want to know a very supportive answer on how to get a wii emulator and ds emulator with roms. Thank you -

Open Question: how do i find my log on domain to access a computer that was restored?

I had my system dumped at staples and I am trying to connect to my wireless router but it asks for my network, password, and domain. I know the network and password, but how do I find out what my logon domain?

Open Question: how to get dell webcam central to not open automatically when using skype?

everytime i open skype the webcam central opens and i dont know if there is a setting or not to prevent that from happening

Open Question: when my friend tries to put on his webcam on msn i get an error saying "webcam activity ended"?

When my friend sends me an webcam invite, i press accept, it starts loading then it shuts down before the webcam shows.

Open Question: i have problem with java assignment, how to abbreviate double letters to a single letter?

Open Question: Sony Vegas 9 play button is stuck, I click it and the video preview doesn't play?

The button is stuck, it's pushed in and when I click it nothing happens. I tried F12 and the other commands but the preview won't play. What's wrong? How can I unlock it?

Open Question: Help with a unique Twitter Username?

Hello:) My name is Chelsea . I really want to have a cool unique username. If you have any cool suggestions i'd greatly appreciate it:) thanksssssssssss! Best username gets the 10pts. obviously

Open Question: when i open itunes on my computer, it wont let me open itunes store, a message comes up saying ....?

"make sure your network connection is active, please try again later" it has been saying this for about 2 months and im fed up ! i have the latest version of itunes and its an exception on my firewall ! please help ! many thanks ! :D

Open Question: How do you set the tabs on a Microsoft Word document?

I want to change the preset the existing settings. How can I do this? Thanks

Open Question: how can i remove a restriction on my line?

i was geting collect calls from an inmate in a facility but now there is a restriction on my line

Open Question: I have a ASUS RT-N10 EZ N Router cant disable wireless on it~!?

ive went through all the wireless option no option to disable.

Open Question: I have 2 broadband can i use both a time, should my speed will be double .I have two lan cards. what i do .?

1connection--1MB 2connection - 2MB

Open Question: Tom's hardware won't let me join. It gives me an error every time I fill out the registration form.?

HELP! :/

Open Question: what motherboard is on the Dell Latitude D600?

I have to replace the motherboard on my laptop and i cant figure out which one to get can someone help please.

Open Question: any one tell me the Licence code of acdsee-10-0-219-en?

Open Question: how to download stuff on itunes i already bought.?

i bought a new iMac and have authorized the itunes account. i have a mac laptop that i already bought stuff via itunes on already with my account. when i go to the imac and click on "check for available download" its suppose to download everything i have bought via that account but it does nothing. so when i go to buy something i already bought individually it says that my account will be charged again... why is this?

Open Question: How come when you download Sony Vegas, it says there is an error?

Well, I HAVE Sony Vegas but some people are wondering why it says that? I don't even know either! Please tell me why and how to solve it!

Open Question: what can i do with my sky spear broadband?

hey guys does anyone have any idea of what i can use my sky spear broadband for??

Open Question: Getting rid of pixels in photoshop?

I did a project in photoshop a few weeks ago was a poster, and had many different layers, etc.. no matter how big or small i would make the next layer, the image would always restore itself so that there would be little to no pixels. I'm doing another poster, but this time all of my images are becoming very pixelized no matter how big or small i make the image. Is there some sort of option that should be checked off to prevent this from happening? How can I make my images not pixelized anymore? My other poster turned out just fine .. :(

Open Question: WoW help (failed to find a suitable device. exiting program.)?

my hard drive was corrupt and broken so i bought a new one so i dont have any thing besides windows 7 on but i had vista before. my graphics card is ati radeon xpress 1100 256mb and every time i play wow this shows up failed to find a suitable device. exiting program. do i have to install graphics card onto hard drive or what ? thanks,

Open Question: Is it possible to play across different platforms using bluetooth technology?

Example of playing in cross platform: PC vs Cellphone or Cellphone vs PC... or other devices with bluetooth technology... If possible... do you have some ideas how to start with it, or can you tell me what I need to look or research on...

Open Question: Where can I find a two person computer desk?

"Where can I find a two person computer desk?" Topics: computer desk, desk, furniture Asked by: newbie1861225 - 8 days ago ( make me anonymous) Details: Can anyone recommend a two person computer desk. The one contained in the attached link is perfect. Unfortunately I don't believe IKEA produces it anymore. Thanks so much

Open Question: why is not working? Anyone have information about this?

it just comes up with an error message when i go to click on links for shows any one know why this is the case?

Open Question: How to stop dell webcam from zooming in on windows 7?

I have dell webcam on my laptop (Windows 7) and it wont stop zooming in and out at random times. I don't use it for chat so I don't think I've been pressing a key that causes it to change anything. There is no option to disable Face Tracking, at least that I could find. Please help! Instructions how to get there would really be appreciated.

Open Question: is this enough for a simple home studio?

if i was to record rap/grime songs with my friends in my room would a pc with 3/4gb quad core processo, a simple condenser mic and audacity be enough?

Open Question: Is there a place i can get someone to help with this?

Where can i find somewhere who can click on this like a place who can help you need 100 people to click on it to renew the serial. Is there like a forum or somewhere i can look who could help

Open Question: how to delete office temp files?

Open Question: How do I import songs to an ipod?

I heard that i need to have itune to do that. I am downloading songs from limewire and some other sites. If i only can use itune then i only can get songs from itune?

Open Question: I reported somone on myspace how will i know action was taken?

I reported somone on myspace for inapropriate content. they sent me a message back saying they handled the problem and that they deleted the issue. but when i go to his profile now it just sayd that its private in yellow letters. how do i know that they suspended or deleted the profile?how di i know if they took any action at all?

Open Question: myspace will not let my sign up with gmail, aim, or live.. HELPPPP !?

Open Question: Call a picture into a Choose Your Own Adventure Story created in Java?

I am trying to create a choose you adventure story in Java and I want to add pictures to go along with my story. I created a button: public class JButtonIcon { public static void main(String[] a) { JFrame f = new JFrame("Cake!"); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JButton b = new JButton(new ImageIcon("H:\\My Pictures\\cake.jpg")); f.getContentPane().add(b); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); } } The button displays the picture of a cake. What I want to know now is how to get the picture to pop up when the user goes through the story WITHOUT stopping the program. So, say the user decides "to attend a birthday party". My program is based off of one large class with a ton of nested if else loops. So, the choice to attend the birthday party should take the user to a new set of senarios to choose from. When the user chooses to go to the birthday party, I want the picture of cake to pop up then go away, allowing the user to continue on with the program. How in the world do I do that? Sorry if this question is worded stupidly or even if the entire question is stupid-- I am total novice and have been self-teaching myself for a while.

Open Question: how to my friends facebook account?

Open Question: Why does Facebook only show eight pages of friends now?

I went to my cousins profile and clicked "view all", and I realized Facebook only showed me 8pages of her friends. Because I was going for the Z's. I thought maybe she doesn't have him anymore or something, because it only went up to the letter M. So I went to my friends and same thing, only 8pages to look through. Have any of you noticed? Do you know why it's like that?

Open Question: Privacy on facebook? Just some part?

Anyone knows how to set a privacy on Facebook, On the page that I like but I don't want my friends to see it when I post something on that page. Please help. Thanks

Open Question: How can I do make my router do this?

I have a router in my house. I wanna make it so I can get a wireless connection from the router on my laptop when I'm in my living room or another room but I also wanna make it so my neighbors can't get a wireless connection from the router. How would I go about doing this? Could you tell me step by step.

Open Question: Factsvsreligion is such a total asshole on youtube.?

She flags one of my video and send me a negative the link It's very uncalled for a Youtuber like that? What's your thought on this?

Open Question: What is the protocol with purchasing or printing for personal use images on

There is an image that I would be willing to pay for on, but I am not sure if I can reproduce the image for my own use or where to go to purchase the image. Any ideas?

Open Question: i have an HCL laptop-P38 PDC.?

HIIII Friends, i have an hcl laptop-p38 pdc. and its configuration is, 160 gb hardisk. 1 gb ram. but i need more in that. so can i make it to 360gb hardisk and 2 gb ram? please Friends i need really yours help. i live in mumbai if u can than also please tell me the price of hardisk and the ram.

Open Question: computer screen freeze when playing games?

geforge 8800 gt had this computer for 3 years with no problem but 2 months ago when i was playing a game, the screen froze and i saw pixels of green and purple in a few places. i just turned off the power and turned it back on and it worked fine again. tonight i was playing a game it did the same thing but when i turned back the power and i started up the game again, the screen froze again and i saw alot more green and purple pixels. finally, i updated my video card at nvidia website and this time when i play any game, the screen freezes, goes all black, then goes all white. it stays white untill i turn off the power. i cant play any of my games since tonight :(

Open Question: What does this mean on batteries?

What does MAH mean on batteries? If you don't have the right number of MAH's will it fry the device? What if you have the right voltage, but a mutch higher MAH?

Open Question: Why doesnt facebook let me change my name?

I wanted to change my name to Vlady Jesus and then my last name but it never changes it, it just accepts it says wait 24 hours but doesnt do anything. Why is that?

Open Question: How do you add more than 4 photos on ebay?

I'm selling an item on ebay and I notice that some other sellers are able to show more than 4 photos - how do they do this? For example this item here - - has more than 4 photos. I've tried using the HTML with photobucket but it doesnt seem to be working. I read somewhere that you need to go to "HTML mode" when revising the Item Description but I dont see a "HTML Mode" anywhere.....

Open Question: Where should I submitt my app idea?

I have a really good idea for an app where should I submit my idea to?

Open Question: what laptop will you recommend to me?

Open Question: which is the best graphic card for gaming?

my budget is 2200 (indian rupee)

Open Question: What should I have on my youtube page?!?!?!?!?

Open Question: When I turn on my computer, the welcome screen starts, and than turns black?

When i turned on my laptop today, it showed me the welcome screen, and than turned black. I restarted it, and I had the same problem. How can I fix it ?

Open Question: Is there a way to continuously cycle a slide show in Windows Movie Maker?

In Windows Movie Maker I am making a photo slide show. The slide show will be playing at our wedding reception but I want it to be continuous. Is there a way to do this that that when the slideshow ends it cycles back to the beginning?

Open Question: Adobe Illustrator CS2 Revealed. Chapter 2. HELPPP!!?

Illustrator chapter 2 True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. TF 1. You can create text anywhere on the artboard. TF 2. Text cannot be positioned anywhere off the artboard. TF 3. If the preference that allows you to select text by clicking anywhere on the text is turned off, the only way to select text is by clicking on its baseline. TF 4. Once a word has been tracked, you can no longer apply kerning. TF 5. Positive tracking or kerning values move text characters closer together. TF 6. By definition, kerning affects the space between two characters. TF 7. Gradients that you create can be saved with a name of your choosing. TF 8. Gradients can be named and saved in the Color palette. TF 9. The colors used in a gradient are represented in the Gradient palette by small house-shaped icons called locations. TF 10. Colors and gradients are available to be used in other documents besides the one in which they are created in and saved in. TF 11. Hidden objects will print only if you activate the Print Hidden Objects preference in the Preferences dialog boxes. TF 12. Hidden objects are automatically saved when you close a document, but they are deleted when you quit Illustrator. TF 13. In the Gradient palette, the slider has at least four colors. TF 14. The Color palette has four color modes: CMYK, RGB, Grayscale, and HSB. TF 15. Once text is flowed into an object, you can no longer manipulate the object as you would have previously. TF 16. When text is flowed into an object, you can no longer use the Direct Selection Tool to distort the shape. TF 17. Locked objects can be selected, but they can't be moved or modified. TF 18. It is impossible to create a document with text but without fonts. TF 19. When locked objects are unlocked, they are all selected. TF 20. By default, guides in Illustrator are blue; you cannot change their color. TF 21. The most recently created object is automatically placed above all the other objects on the artboard. TF 22. Once text is flowed onto a path, only its typeface and typesize can be modified. TF 23. To move text along a path, you use the start and end bracket, and midpoint bracket. TF 24. Text can be flipped across a path by dragging the center bracket of the text across the path. TF 25. The location of a midpoint in a gradient can be changed. TF 26. When you convert text to outlines and apply a gradient fill, the gradient automatically fills each letter independently. TF 27. All open Illustrator documents are listed at the bottom of the Window menu. Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ABCD 28. For ____ gradients, where you begin dragging and where you end dragging determine the length of the blend from starting to ending color. a. linear b. radial c. graded d. both a and b ABCD 29. For ____ gradients, the angle that you drag in determines the angle at which the blend fills the object. a. baseline b. radial c. graded d. linear ABCD 30. You can quickly change font, type size, kerning and other text attributes where? a. the Type menu b. the Character palette c. the Paragraph palette d. the Type palette ABCD 31. Text generated by the Type Tool is positioned on a path called what? a. text path b. baseline c. stroke line d. type index ABCD 32. Text preferences are listed under what category? a. Type & Auto Tracing b. Units & Undo c. Guides & Grid d. Type & Grid ABCD 33. In typography, the term for the vertical space between baselines in a block of text is called what? a. tracking b. kerning c. baseline shift d. leading ABCD 34. When text is flowed into an object, which alignment often is the best solution? a. left b. right c. center d. justified ABCD 35. The Unlock All command is under which menu on the menu bar? a. Edit b. Object c. Select d. Window ABCD 36. You can turn any object into a guide by clicking which command? a. Show Guides b. Release Guides c. Convert to Outlines d. Make Guides ABCD 37. When you click a type tool cursor on text, then apply the Select All command, ____. a. all the text in the single text object is selected b. all the text objects on the page are selected c. the text and the object that contains the text are both selected d. all of the objects on the artboard are selected ABCD 38. Guides preferences are listed under which category? a. View Guides b. Guides & Grid c. Units & Guides d. Guides & Increments ABCD 39. When text on a path

Open Question: i dropped my computer...not to hard. It turns on but the backlight wont. The light on my monitor doesn't work?

what can i do at home, with out having to go to the repair shop. I tried to press the FN key and the light key but it doesn't work PLEASE HELP

Open Question: How to take care of my Laptop?

Ok, i have a Toshiba Satellite L500D/00V. I want to take good care of it as it has to last me 5 years. I hear that they have a known history for overheating after a yeah or so. So how do i prevent: -Overheating (always used on flat surface) -Bad battery wear -Keyboard wear -Paint wear (my last laptop has 2 black spots from where my wrists would sit) And any other advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Open Question: Mac is making a ringing noise please help!?

For some reason now every time i turn on my mac it makes a ringing noise and it bugs me can anyone help me fix the problem?

Open Question: My TomTom Start has a broken screen can I get it fixed?

Does anyone know where I can buy the touchscreen only for a TomTom start I reckon I can fix it myself if i get the part? If you think not any ideas where can fix it in the uk?

Open Question: Upgraded itunes, now wont even open.?

Im using Vista and have been running itunes on it every since i bought this laptop. I kept getting upgrading msgs on itunes and i finally gave in to get itunes 9. The install failed and now i cant even access itunes. I deleted it all and tried again, but it doesnt work. It says Quicktime isnt running, and that itunes files are missing. Please help, i have been trying to restore it all day.

Open Question: In excel, if i have a row of 24 values how can i display these values in a vertical column of 24 rows?

basically, how do i get a list of figures running vertically instead of horizontally without retyping them all

Open Question: Where can i download the movie " Fingersmith" (2005)?

I don't want to watch it online,i wanna keep the movie. i`ve been searching for the download link for over a week. and wherever i find it .its 2 CDs..and about 1.4 gig size. i want the dvdrip divx with maximum 800 MB. can u give me a direct link to it? RapidShare maybe..No torrents.

Open Question: how photoshop is done like this?

I really want to learn how to do photoshop like this? (you can see more in he album on the right where it says "365 days (set)" How does she do that?

Open Question: Accidentally changed my file

I accidentally changed it so that all my programs open up in microsoft word, how do I change this back?

Open Question: windows 7 starter backup issues!?

does anyone know how to solve this problems? I can't backup my data. It always fails before it completes. thnx in advance.

Open Question: Where can I download the Rucka Rucka ali song aids in our butts?

I want to download the song aids in our butts by rucka rucka ali which was a parody of Taio Cruz's song break your hear. please give me a torrent link. Give me a site where I can download this song from Utorrent and please if you know where to download the song lets go jesus please tell me where. thankyou

Open Question: Help selecting a motherboard?

Anyone know of a good motherboard / CPU combo? I need it for multimedia and need power. The housing I'm putting it in needs all this inside. I am thinking dual core processor so... 2 video cards. Each with TV out and dual VGA out (or one HD out with a converter) 3 Soundblaster cards (I'll upgrade cards depending on motherboard) 1 TV tuner card 4 gig memory SATA & IDE drives Any suggestions?

Open Question: On youtube the videos that appear on the right side?

I uploaded a video and the videos on the side pertain absolutely none to my video. Is there a way I can change that?

Open Question: how do you back up your songs on itunes?

i have a bunch of songs & they slow down my comp. so i want to delete but i know if i do that then theyll be deleted from itunes as well. does anyone know a good solution here?

Open Question: Windows 7 Media Player 11 looses Listed Movie Files?

Hi, Has anyone else experienced the lose of added files to Windows 7 Media Player 11? I was just editing my movie files listed in Windows 7 Media Player 11 when all of a sudden it stopped working on me and when it restarted my movie files were unlisted??? Do you know how frustrating that is!!! Why does this happen and how can it be fixed??? Also, I'm trying to "add" new libraries to separate the movies, business and what not from Video files in order to keep it simpler. I've added libraries in the folders view but these new "Libraries" will not appear in the Windows media Player!!!??? I've clicked on other libraries in the media player and highlighted "Show Other Libraries" but they still won't show. Why is this and how do you fix it. Thanks. John

Open Question: why in the world does this happen!?

on my laptop sometimes when im playing a game where you have to use the arrows on any game site the controls mess up. like when i press right the arrow key pops back up but the character keeps moving right and to make him stop i have to press the right key again! this happens on every game on every website. it used to not happen. my computer got boring because of this! how do i make it stop! it does not happen on my other computer though.

Open Question: which way gives the best control in writing a url for applying CSS Absolute, Root Relative,Document Relative?

which way gives the best control in writing a url for applying CSS : Absolute, Root Relative, Document Relative ? And, why ? which is more commonly used method ? thanks in advance

Open Question: motherboard over heating PLZ HELP!!!? PLZ HELP i cleaned all the dust out an checked all the connections and cleared the wires as best i culd and have alot of air flow going through it and its still anywhere from 99-109 *C (not CPU the motherboard) and its confusing as hell! (and i checked the heat sink. 2 of the pins that hold it down fell out but it is still held in place well)

Open Question: How To Fix My Movie Maker?

In WIndows Movie Maker (WMM) I Can D Up To About 5 Seconds Of Clips Before It Goes Insane And Jumpy / Freezing / Un-Responsive. I Can Do Anything Like Slide shows Or Text For As long as I Want, But When It Comes To My Clips It Just Cant Do It.I KNOW there Supported File Types, Ive Made Videos Before. I Cant Download Anything, Other Than Movie Maker / Msn Developed Things Because My Computer Is Quite Sensitive To Virus. Please Help Me, Im So Annoyed at It! Or Is there An Alternate Thing I Could Use? Ive Used Corel, Witch Is AMAZING, But I Cant Really Pay For It :/ Please Help Me Fix This!

Open Question: How to recycle CRT monitors for money?

I need to know how to recycle these without taking them apart or little disassembly any help is appreciated thanks

Open Question: how long does a deactivated facebook account last before it becomes deleted?

Open Question: how can i delete fire fox off my computer?

how can i delete fire fox on my computer cause i dont want it any more please help me

Open Question: in my system .exe files are getting removed automatically?

plz help me to sort out the problem as it is definitely a problem of virus. plz show me some way to remove the virus.

Open Question: Is there a way to bypass sharecash surveys?

I want to download some cheats from a website but I can't because I am not old enough to fill out the survey. How could I get the ebook? Can anyone help me?

Open Question: Best online payed survery site?

Want to do surveys for paypal money, any good sites that have ACTUALLY payed you?

Open Question: new proxy website that work?

Open Question: Help!! What to do with the browser screen..?

The browser screen stretched, I mean I cannot see the tab anymore unless I mouse over it. What do I do? I accidentally pressed something on the keyboard and I don't know what it is. I need to have it back to normal asap.

Open Question: Help! web page problem - my pictures don't show up?

when i add images to my website, they don't show up, instead i get an empty square with a little cross in the top left corner, how do i correct/prevent this and get my pictures to show? Many thanks.


i was wonderin if my youtube homepage is ok, I will best answer, please respond.

Open Question: i have a question about the microsoft 7 cd that came with my girlfreinds new laptop?

would i be able to use the disk that came with her laptop and down load it to mines so i can get windows 7

Open Question: Free Web Hosting and domain names?

I'm looking for a Free web hosting company that is compatible with PERL (I'm using Actinic solutions).

Open Question: problem with holiday island game?

my holiday island could not open new hotels , house, malls and all new things that should be open with game progress. any solutions for that......

Open Question: pls help me about real player...?

when i click right button to any song it give option "add to real player now playing list"..but now it is not coming how can i activate this..

Open Question: Does my USB stick still have a virus?

My USB memory stick has not been working today and it is slowing down my laptop while it is inserted into the drive. When I inserted in to another computer, a message popped up saying that it was infected with malware. I put the malware into the virus chest, and proceeded to do a complete system scan on my laptop. The scan detected two viruses, which I put into the virus chest. However my laptop is still slow when the USB is inserted and the USB program will not work. So my question is, is my USB still infected even though the viruses found in :F were put into the virus chest? Thanks so much!

Open Question: Is my laptop still at threat for bad stuff after doing a system restore?

I found out last night I had some trojans on my laptop, and after about an hour of trying to get the scanner to scan and remove and freaking out, I found out I could do a system restore. So I did the system restore and everything's running fine. I went back a couple of days because I'm pretty sure I got the trojans yesterday. Even if I went back using system restore, are the trojans and other bad things on my computer still? Or am I free and clear? I did a couple of virus scans and it didn't find anything...

Open Question: Where can i download videos on a school computer?

A lot of websites for downloading are blocked at my school. Anyone know any good free sites where i can download vidoes? Thnx!

Open Question: where can you put the little side marks on your pictures on

All of my friends have like their names or words written in old english across their pics, and i want to know where they got that?

Open Question: C++ Programming question please help?

An electricity board charges the following rates from domestic users to discourage high consumption of eneryg: for first 100 units -- 60 paise per unit for first 200 units -- 80 paise per unit for first 300 units -- 90 paise per unit All users are charged a minimum of Rs 50. if the total amount is more than Rs. 300, then an additional surcharge of 15% is added. Write a C++ program to read the names of users and number of units consumed and print out the charges with names clearly specify all data types

Open Question: Why is everyone especially WhatamIdoing obsessed with her? (deleted, restored, deleted) Can't make up their mind? It's so hilarious to watch this. She is a nobody. And why do people care about her anyway?

Open Question: how do you save a screenshot as a picture file?

Open Question: Is it possible to keep a tag on a Facebook picture while simultaneously not having it show up on my page?

I want to keep the tag but i don't want it to appear on my page as a tagged photo. Is that possible?

Open Question: How to use myspace in school?

Open Question: COMPUTER GENIUSES spotify for free?

i'll probably get no answers for this, but is there any newest way of getting spotify for free? my dad wont let me pay for it, and its unfair how alll my friends got it for freee,(when you could) if anyone can help me, i will love you FOR EVER. :)thank youuuuuuuuuu

Open Question: How yo get more followers on tumblr?

I'm not a troll I sweat i'm seriously just wondering. Is their like a site you can sign up for that gets you more followers like on Twitter? I just joined like a day or 2 ago so I'm fairly new to all of this. My tumblr:



Open Question: Does anyone know how to get a ps2 to usb adapter working on a pc?

The adaptor i have is PantherLord Pc-Usb convertor (Windows XP Home) [USB] pt-usb030, its meant to be plug and play !!! It installs the hardware ok and i downloaded the driver for it from the pantherlord website but the only thing that works on the controllers is the vibration and the analogue light, i have also tried calibrating it going through control panel but it still doesnt work I emailed the websites support email but have had no reply since i sent it last week, so i am trying to find solutions through here hopefully someone can help :(

Open Question: Can you use the Env Touch as a USB flash drive?


i need this to work for my computer too! ( like duh )

Open Question: Favourites folder hidden?

stupidly I selected to hide a favourites folder on my Windows XP and cant seem to acess it. Does anyone know how to get to this folder?

Open Question: XP not booting after grub2 upgrade?

Hi - I am dual-booting XP, and all has been fine for a while....until I upgraded Grub yesterday. This was due to the boot menu not updating properly, and I realised the system was still using the old grub. The update instructions I used advised putting grub2 on all partitions if you were not sure which one to go for.....I guess this has "upset" the chainloading process, as when I select XP from the menu, I just get a black screen with flashing white cursor, which doesn't seem to respond to anything except CNTRL+ALT+DELETE! I can still access all Windows files from Linux, and can see that system files like boot.ini are sill there. Both systems have been backed up, but would prefer not reinstalling right now if possible. Below I'll paste grub.cfg and fdisk -l; any suggestions gratefully received! thanks, Jon. ps the computer is a Sony Viao laptop: Core Duo 1.6 GHz - 1 GB Ram - 80 GB HDD, running XP Media Centre and Ubuntu 10.04 # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE # # It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates # from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub # ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ### if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then load_env fi set default="0" if [ ${prev_saved_entry} ]; then set saved_entry=${prev_saved_entry} save_env saved_entry set prev_saved_entry= save_env prev_saved_entry set boot_once=true fi function savedefault { if [ -z ${boot_once} ]; then saved_entry=${chosen} save_env saved_entry fi } function recordfail { set recordfail=1 if [ -n ${have_grubenv} ]; then if [ -z ${boot_once} ]; then save_env recordfail; fi; fi } insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,6)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 if loadfont /usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2 ; then set gfxmode=640x480 insmod gfxterm insmod vbe if terminal_output gfxterm ; then true ; else # For backward compatibility with versions of terminal.mod that don't # understand terminal_output terminal gfxterm fi fi insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,6)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 set locale_dir=($root)/boot/grub/locale set lang=en insmod gettext if [ ${recordfail} = 1 ]; then set timeout=-1 else set timeout=10 fi ### END /etc/grub.d/00_header ### ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ### set menu_color_normal=white/black set menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray ### END /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ### ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ### menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-21-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os { recordfail insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,6)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 linux/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic root=UUID=df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 ro quiet splash initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-21-generic } menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-21-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os { recordfail insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,6)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 echo'Loading Linux 2.6.32-21-generic ...' linux/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic root=UUID=df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 ro single echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...' initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-21-generic } menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.31-15-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os { recordfail insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,6)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 linux/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-15-generic root=UUID=df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 ro quiet splash initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-15-generic } menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.31-15-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os { recordfail insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,6)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 echo'Loading Linux 2.6.31-15-generic ...' linux/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-15-generic root=UUID=df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 ro single echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...' initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-15-generic } ### END /etc/grub.d/10_linux ### ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ### menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+)" { insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,6)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 linux16/boot/memtest86+.bin } menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+, serial console 115200)" { insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,6)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set df3215e4-bcfe-478b-8ba4-8b4a06099407 linux16/boot/memtest86+.bin console=ttyS0,115200n8 } ### END /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ### ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ### menuentry "Windows NT/2000/XP (on /dev/sda1)" { insmod ntfs set roo

Open Question: Why does my computer keep freezing randomly!?

At random times, the computer can be idle or doing something, but it just freezes, the screen flashes random patterns and such, then I get a blue screen of death with the stop code 0x000000D1 and the program is nwusbmdm.sys

Open Question: What is a good java compiler for a beginner in computer science?

I'm beginning to study computer science in my free time, and am wondering what is a good java compiler that I can download for free. Thanks :)

Open Question: How to take care of my Laptop?

Ok, i have a Toshiba Satellite L500D/00V. I want to take good care of it as it has to last me 5 years. I hear that they have a known history for overheating after a yeah or so. So how do i prevent: -Overheating (always used on flat surface) -Bad battery wear -Keyboard wear -Paint wear (my last laptop has 2 black spots from where my wrists would sit) And any other advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Open Question: Will any one trade a Denonoid invite for a Iptorrent invite.?

I have a Demonoid account and I am very active. My share ratio is over 1 and a half. Meaning I have shared over half as much as I have down loaded. Demonoid is great but running into problem where I need torrents that only Iptorrents has. Thanks.

Open Question: magic jack is not connected with my computer?

i have just buy new magic jack for calling . required registration is done , but there a massage pops up some time error 3 . mostly now signning in . i try this device to my friends pc there it was working perfect . please help me what setting i need to done with my pc ? thanks

Open Question: WINDOWS 7 / VISTA HELP: how do I change the name of my computer?

When I send files it will come up from documents//my name, I am aware that I chose that once I first got the computer, but can I change it? if so how?
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