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Open Question: Router isnt supplying wireless connection to my Xbox and laptop USB device?

Hello there, Routers been supplying the connection fine to my xbox and laptop device for a good few weeks now without any hassle, and all of a sudden the connection got very weak and eventually stopped. I have logged on to the router gateway and setup the wizard again however im not sure how i can get the router to supply the internet again- The router is working fine and dandy im using the internet through an ethernet cable however its just the wireless thats not working even though the little symbol on the router is lit up green along with all the other nessacary ones. I have also checked my attatched devices to the router to make sure the neighbours arent hijacking my connection as i have no security on it ( I find it weakens the connection sometimes) and they are definetley not. If anyone experts or technicians could give me an idea on how to get the flow of wireless internet going to my xbox and laptop again i would be eternally greatful-Thanks in advance. Regards, Maccabe.
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