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Open Question: Will my Jailbroken ipod be fixed?

I jailbroke my ipod and it broke :/ it totally switched off and wouldnt go back on and yeshhh i have held the top and front button for 10 secs.. nothing :( i sent it back to Apple and they sent me this email.. Dear Kayleigh, Your service request has been completed and your IPOD TOUCH (2ND GENERATION) shipped on 2010-07-30. Please allow two business days for delivery (five business days if your product is an iPod that has a personalised engraving). Your product shipped via UPS using tracking number (not going to say the number xD) which should be active within 24 hours. Then they got me to go to this link which was the apple support thing and it gave me all my details about my ipod and this thing said ---> Replacement Product Shipped :o? So have they fixed it or is it a replacement? D: what if their just giving me my broken ipod back to me? D:
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