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Open Question: Urgent virus problem, help please!?

I'm running Windows 7 and somehow I got this virus. There's C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\REGSRV.EXE and C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\MRTxxxx.TMP\STDRT.EXE where xxxx are numbers (theres ~10 of these folders in my TEMP folder, all with STDRT.EXE inside, and some of them have a bunch of other random files in there as well (some of them just STDRT.EXE). I'm not sure if I got it recently or a long time ago, because old system restore points still had it, but it's possible the system restore points were infected as well. Also, I haven't even been noticing any issues at all with my computer (weird because everyone else with these files had a lot of problems from them). So, starting from the beginning, an AVG scan just randomly found regsrv.exe (don't confuse this with regsvr.exe) which deleted it. I did a couple system restores back and forth (tried later dates each time), and when undoing it the second time I got an error saying the system restore didn't complete successfully (it was weird because everything was back from what I could tell, only difference I saw was that regsrv.exe was back. I did one more system restore point to a manual save I did, and that fixed it, regsrv.exe wasn't there. I now downloaded avast antivirus and malwarebytes and scanned with all three (not at once) to see if they found anything, which they did not. After further googling, I discovered that I would also find the stdrt.exe files inside my temp folder, which I did, and for some reason they weren't even detected by any of the scans. Finally, I decide to download Kaspersky (30 day trial), since some people had luck with that. Now it gets kind of ugly. So, while downloading Kaspersky, I try to download two more programs (warrior of RegRun, and UnHackMe, both from the same company) to try afterwards that were known to fix my exact problem, however I was unable to do this (not sure if it was because of the virus or something wrong with the site but the pages wouldn't load). Everything was going really slowly once I started downloading Kaspersky, and at one point my Windows Firewall randomly turned off (I immediately turned it back on). The download finishes, and I start to update the database, and my computer continues to run really really slowly. When the update got to 85%, it stopped (timer kept going), and everything was especially slow. I was unable to close anything, I couldn't cancel the update, or open task manager or end any processes, it was just too slow (I managed to close windows media player, but that took a while). After a few minutes of this, all of my desktop icons disappeared, along with the taskbar/start menu/etc. at the bottom of the screen. All I could do was alt tab between two open firefox browsers and 2x explorer. I had to shut down manually (from the button on the computer). I restarted and decided to run using safe mode. It started fine, and I decided to delete the only three files in my C:\Windows\System\ folder (latest.dat, tubelist.dat, update.dat) which I believe are also a part of the virus, as well as all of the MRTxxxx.tmp files that contained stdrt.exe. I then ran an AVG scan (which uses command in safe mode) and I believe it was scanning the registry first, where it detected avp.exe as adware (avp.exe is Kaspersky). So, I think the virus must have hijacked the kaspersky download. What should I do now? The AVG scan is still going, and it's getting a lot of 'locked file' messages and not scanning those files (things like My Music, My Documents, but also a bunch of important sounding files like C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systempr ofile\NetHood). Help please!
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