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Open Question: The connection to the Microsoft exchange is unavailable. outlook must be online or connected to complete this?

action? How can I fix thisproblem I want to set up my OE? Pls help me........

Open Question: how do i print out a photoshop picture n iron it on your shirt?

how do i print out a photoshop picture n iron it on your shirt And what kind of paper i need if you have a video of it u can post It on here

Open Question: Will my Jailbroken ipod be fixed?

I jailbroke my ipod and it broke :/ it totally switched off and wouldnt go back on and yeshhh i have held the top and front button for 10 secs.. nothing :( i sent it back to Apple and they sent me this email.. Dear Kayleigh, Your service request has been completed and your IPOD TOUCH (2ND GENERATION) shipped on 2010-07-30. Please allow two business days for delivery (five business days if your product is an iPod that has a personalised engraving). Your product shipped via UPS using tracking number (not going to say the number xD) which should be active within 24 hours. Then they got me to go to this link which was the apple support thing and it gave me all my details about my ipod and this thing said ---> Replacement Product Shipped :o? So have they fixed it or is it a replacement? D: what if their just giving me my broken ipod back to me? D:

Open Question: My laptop battery keeps dying halfway through?

why is my laptop blacking out on jus 43% used to black out after 6% or so..does anyone know whats going on??

Open Question: After formatting the hard disk, can I still restore the data in it?

In case that it's OK, then is there any time requirement?

Open Question: Computer blue screen of death help?

Now heres my problem i turn my computer on and my screen doesnt turn on with it until after a few restarts after i get the screen running i try to run in safe mode and its gets to the end of the filea thing on the screen and auto restarts if i run in normal mode it either freezes at the windows loading bar thing or starts up to the vista logo then blue screen i have tried to switch hdd's with another that also has vista installed but again same problem so i no its not software removed graphics card and same problem ram still works doesnt do aanything when no hdd's are running cd drive not in they all result in bsod so have i missed anything or do i needa new mother board for it??

Open Question: i'm having a problem with my computer audio?

okay, so my computer will make noises saying that something cannot be performed or whatever, but it wont allow music to play through itunes, or youtube. it wont announce when i have received an instant message/email either. everything is plugged in and turned on, when i click on the volume icon (bottom right of the screen) it says that "there are no active mixer devices available". it then instructs me to go to control panel, then to "add hardware but when i do this, it all leads back to the instructions telling me to go to the volume control (which i cant open in the first place) anyone have any ideas on what i could do?

Open Question: legit?

I went to this website, and the apple laptops seem VERY cheap compared to other stores. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was a legit business? Does warranty come with their products? This seems kind of sketchy to me, as the Apple laptops are almost 50% cheaper than standard store prices. Also, can anyone recommend a website where Apple Laptops can be bought online?

Open Question: How do I get mp4 files to play in Sony Vegas?

Okay, so have some audio/video files that are in mp4, and they play fine on Windows Media Player, but when I try to load them in my Sony Vegas Pro 9.0, it just WONT work. I converted one of the files to avi, but that totaly screws the quality of the video. D: Is there a codec or something that'll make mp4 work with my vegas? Please help.

Open Question: Where to download CCleaner free of charge.?

Is there any completely free ccleaner on the web?

Open Question: how do you keep a conversation going on facebook, bebo, etc?

i just want to know what sort of stuff to talk about when adding someone on facebook or any other social networking site because i don't make friends very easily tbh?

Open Question: how to delete a facebook?

Open Question: Urgent virus problem, help please!?

I'm running Windows 7 and somehow I got this virus. There's C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\REGSRV.EXE and C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\MRTxxxx.TMP\STDRT.EXE where xxxx are numbers (theres ~10 of these folders in my TEMP folder, all with STDRT.EXE inside, and some of them have a bunch of other random files in there as well (some of them just STDRT.EXE). I'm not sure if I got it recently or a long time ago, because old system restore points still had it, but it's possible the system restore points were infected as well. Also, I haven't even been noticing any issues at all with my computer (weird because everyone else with these files had a lot of problems from them). So, starting from the beginning, an AVG scan just randomly found regsrv.exe (don't confuse this with regsvr.exe) which deleted it. I did a couple system restores back and forth (tried later dates each time), and when undoing it the second time I got an error saying the system restore didn't complete successfully (it was weird because everything was back from what I could tell, only difference I saw was that regsrv.exe was back. I did one more system restore point to a manual save I did, and that fixed it, regsrv.exe wasn't there. I now downloaded avast antivirus and malwarebytes and scanned with all three (not at once) to see if they found anything, which they did not. After further googling, I discovered that I would also find the stdrt.exe files inside my temp folder, which I did, and for some reason they weren't even detected by any of the scans. Finally, I decide to download Kaspersky (30 day trial), since some people had luck with that. Now it gets kind of ugly. So, while downloading Kaspersky, I try to download two more programs (warrior of RegRun, and UnHackMe, both from the same company) to try afterwards that were known to fix my exact problem, however I was unable to do this (not sure if it was because of the virus or something wrong with the site but the pages wouldn't load). Everything was going really slowly once I started downloading Kaspersky, and at one point my Windows Firewall randomly turned off (I immediately turned it back on). The download finishes, and I start to update the database, and my computer continues to run really really slowly. When the update got to 85%, it stopped (timer kept going), and everything was especially slow. I was unable to close anything, I couldn't cancel the update, or open task manager or end any processes, it was just too slow (I managed to close windows media player, but that took a while). After a few minutes of this, all of my desktop icons disappeared, along with the taskbar/start menu/etc. at the bottom of the screen. All I could do was alt tab between two open firefox browsers and 2x explorer. I had to shut down manually (from the button on the computer). I restarted and decided to run using safe mode. It started fine, and I decided to delete the only three files in my C:\Windows\System\ folder (latest.dat, tubelist.dat, update.dat) which I believe are also a part of the virus, as well as all of the MRTxxxx.tmp files that contained stdrt.exe. I then ran an AVG scan (which uses command in safe mode) and I believe it was scanning the registry first, where it detected avp.exe as adware (avp.exe is Kaspersky). So, I think the virus must have hijacked the kaspersky download. What should I do now? The AVG scan is still going, and it's getting a lot of 'locked file' messages and not scanning those files (things like My Music, My Documents, but also a bunch of important sounding files like C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systempr ofile\NetHood). Help please!

Open Question: Which is better? ATI Radeon 4200 or 4250?

Question says it all. For gaming. Either one.

Open Question: What is a good tab software to get tabbed songs already made?

I need to find some kind of software that can give me tabbed songs already made that is free?

Open Question: can anyone help me with my c++ code?

include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { const string hello("Hello, how are you?"); string s(hello.begin(),hello.end()); string::iterator pos; for (pos = s.begin(); pos != s.end(); ++pos) { cout

Open Question: Chat rooms I do host karaoke...?

I have a group of friends on CafeMom who want to host a Karaoke night on a chat. We can't do it on CafeMoms chat rooms so I was wonder if there is a chat some where we could do it and how. I was thinking Yahoo messenger and watch the youtube together and sing along with a mic but I don't know if that is possible. Can any one help me out?

Open Question: how do i fix error code 800706ba on windows live messenger?

can't log in, nothing's worked.. i don't have vista

Open Question: how to stop emails from facebook responding to my yahoo e-mail?

Open Question: Graphics card not detected?

I just reformatted my computer and when i booted up again my graphics card isn't detected, i have checked my device manager and it is not listed there, i have a Navida 8500GT and a ECS mcp61m-m3 motherboard, any advice?

Open Question: what is meant by clr?

Common Language Runtime

Open Question: Where can I split videos in to parts that I downloaded from google?

I download videos from google and some of them are to long and I want to be able to split them into parts so that I can download them to you! Thanxs!

Open Question: windows 7 cursor spazzing out?

im having a hard time controlling my cursor on my windows 7 computer i had cursor mania but i got rid of that and it still does it is there anything else it could be i have the sims 2 double deluxe some pictures,videos,and my favorites what could it be im afraid to tell my dad because this is a new computer i got for christmas but my sister who is 9 already broke hers what should i do how can i fix it will i have to tell my dad please help its really annoying and embarrassing when friends are over

Open Question: Why isn't xanga working?

For the past few days Ive been trying to get on xanga and it's not working? Can someone please get on xanga and see if the page loads? Thanks!

Open Question: cant open links on my computer?

i had to free up space and did this free up space thing . its in add or remove window components so i pushed ya since the computer recommended it but since i havent been able to open links like in emails. and you know how some things you push an arrow button and scrol down choosing something. i cant do that , well i can but not the right way that you should be able to by just using your mouse. enough said help? what did i erase how to add it again? im pretty sure its something in windows components

Open Question: How can i download youtube video to mp3?

i want to download a video from youtube. Can anyone help me? Thanx

Open Question: If I buy a game through digital distribution, can I use it on a Mac in Europe and on a PC in Canada?

Meaning, can I re-download it in a different format and for a different region and by applying the same account and serial ID and all that jazz?

Open Question: If I used a web proxy to troll the forum I visit but didn't turn off the cookies, have I failed epicly?

So I go to one forum normally, cookies are on, browser is Chrome if it matters, and recently had an urge lol to just troll a bit. So I made another acc through a web proxy but the cookies settings was turned on there. Now will the admins see that its the same computer?

Open Question: Program to edit pictures? help?

What program do people use to edit pictures, with like the spiral like effect going around them? is it photo shop or something else?

Open Question: Monitor glitching at startup?

Whenever I boot the computer (or the monitor, if left off for a while), the screen will fade out to white and then shut off altogether. The only solution I've found is turning it on and off and etc until it fades out to invert the screen I have, then it'll glitch out into the normal screen. This started about two weeks ago, and I have no idea what it might be. I recently scanned for viruses and got rid of most of them, I think. Also, I'm running Windows Vista.

Open Question: Does HP make a printer that is compatible for scanning documents with a Windows 7 operating system?

I need a printer that will scan documents and create pdf's etc.. My current HP printer 6210 does not have the software that is compatible with my new computer and W7 OS. Does anyone know of any printer that has all in one features with a desktop icon that will allow scanning from the computer for the printer? Thankyou!!

Open Question: on ebay i have a football table that i put pick up only?

someone bought it and asked if i can post but it is big how do i weigh it and would dhl do it

Open Question: tv tunner card does not support the processor ghz?

i have a lappy with 2.1 processor Intel with sp3 installed but the problem is tat i have a tv tunner card which support 2.4 ghz processor it does not support for my lappy can u suggest some thing so tat i can connect the card is there a solution
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