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505 Games announces release dates for two Kinect games

According to MCV UK, 505 Games has confirmed the release dates for Grease and Jillian Michaels Fitness Experience: 4th November 2011.

Greasewas officially announced at the beginning of the year when the publisher also emphasized that the game will be different that the previous Wii/DS versions. In the meantime, this game has been surrounded by silence so it’s great to finally find out more even if it’s not related to the game’s content.

Quite interesting is to find out about Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Experience and that it’s being released on the same date as Grease. With this game, Jillian Michaels will make an introduction for the second time on
Kinect (the first being on The Biggest Loser).

Unfortunately, the source is British and it did not clearly state whether 4th of November is the release date for UK/EU or worldwide. However, one could assume, from the context, that these dates are for UK.

Source: MCV
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